A S Duncombe
Showing 1 to 25 for A S Duncombe
Oxford Handbook of Clinical Haematology (Oxford Medical Publications) Oxford University Press Paperback 30 September 1998 from£26.93 | RRP:
£24.95 -
The Snow Queen: A Pantomime PYP Pepper's Yard Playscript and Pantomimes Spiral-bound 31 July 2006 from£8.77 | RRP:
£6.5 -
Prehistoric Sites in the Isle of Man Manx National Heritage Paperback 1 March 2005 from£N/A | RRP:
£2.95 -
Lasers in Surgery - Advanced Characterization, Therapeutics and Systems: XIII (Proceedings of SPIE) SPIE Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engi Paperback 30 June 2003 from£139.05 | RRP:
£115.5 -
Restorative Techniques in Paediatric Dentistry (Clinical Techniques in Dentistry) Taylor & Francis Ltd Hardcover 10 January 1995 from£74.25 | RRP:
£55 -
Volcanic Plumes Wiley-Blackwell Hardcover 29 July 1997 from£135.00 | RRP:
£100 -
An Introduction to Metabolic and Cellular Engineering World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Hardcover 1 March 2002 from£114.75 | RRP:
£33 -
Archaeology of York: Craft, Industry and Everyday Life v.17: Craft, Industry and Everyday Life Vol 17 (The archaeology of York) Council for British Archaeology Paperback 1 January 1999 from£30.37 | RRP:
£22.5 -
ScaLAPACK Users' Guide (Software, Environments and Tools) Society for Industrial Mathematics Paperback 1 January 1987 from£92.55 | RRP:
£50 -
Workbook Paramedic Care: Patient Assessment v. 2: Pinciples and Practices Prentice Hall Paperback 2 March 2000 from£15.99 | RRP:
£15.99 -
Hotel Accounts and Their Audit Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales Paperback 1 August 1989 from£N/A | RRP:
£25 -
Medical Microbiology Mosby Paperback 1 November 1997 from£35.03 | RRP:
£25.95 -
Management Accounting: Information for Decision-Making and Strategy Execution with MyAccountingLab Pearson Education Paperback 25 July 2011 from£116.11 | RRP:
£53.99 -
Using Quality Benchmarks for Assessing and Developing Undergraduate Programs John Wiley & Sons Hardcover 7 January 2011 from£23.24 | RRP:
£30.99 -
Numerical Analysis of Systems of Ordinary and Stochastic Differential Equations VSP International Science Publishers Hardcover 1 June 1997 from£67.80 | RRP:
£139 -
Plant Systematics Sinauer Associates Inc.,U.S. Hardcover 9 September 2002 from£85.03 | RRP:
£62.99 -
Legends of Babylon & Egypt in Relation to Hebrew Tradition BiblioBazaar, LLC Paperback 11 October 2007 from£18.01 | RRP:
£17.99 -
Carry on Reading: Red Bk. 1 Schofield & Sims Ltd Paperback 15 April 1977 from£8.91 | RRP:
£6.6 -
Understanding Family Change and Variation: Toward a Theory of Conjunctural Action: 5 (Understanding Population Trends and Processes) Springer Paperback 27 November 2013 from£89.99 | RRP:
£103.5 -
Old Testament Parsing Guide Broadman & Holman Publishers Paperback 1 May 2000 from£45.22 | RRP:
£27.12 -
Spain S Photovoltaic Revolution: The Energy Return on Investment (SpringerBriefs in Energy / Energy Analysis) Springer Paperback 3 January 2013 from£49.99 | RRP:
£44.99 -
Medical Lasers: Science and Clinical Practice (Medical science series) Institute of Physics Publishing Hardcover 1 January 1986 from£121.50 | RRP:
£90 -
The Anatomy Workbook Butterworth-Heinemann Paperback 2 September 2002 from£31.03 | RRP:
£19.99 -
Dictionary of Physiotherapy Butterworth-Heinemann Turtleback 2 June 2005 from£27.99 | RRP:
£29.99 -
Tidy's Physiotherapy (Physiotherapy Essentials) Butterworth-Heinemann Paperback 7 May 2003 from£62.08 | RRP:
Showing 1 to 25 for A S Duncombe