Angus C Cameron BDS Hons MDSc Syd FDSRCS Eng FRACDS FICD

Showing 1 to 25 for Angus C Cameron BDS Hons MDSc Syd FDSRCS Eng FRACDS FICD
  • Handbook of Paediatric Dentistry Handbook of Paediatric Dentistry by Angus C. Cameron BDS(Hons) MDSc(Syd) FDSRCS(Eng) FRACDS FICD,Richard P. Widmer BDSc(Hons) MDSc(Melb) FRACDS FICD Mosby Paperback 8 September 1997 from£44.53 | RRP: £32.99
  • Handbook of Pediatric Dentistry Handbook of Pediatric Dentistry by Angus C. Cameron BDS(Hons) MDSc(Syd) FDSRCS(Eng) FRACDS FICD,Richard P. Widmer BDSc(Hons) MDSc(Melb) FRACDS FICD Mosby Paperback 15 May 2003 from£63.43 | RRP: £46.99
  • Outline of Oral Surgery: Pts. 1 & 2 (Killey & Kay's Outline of Oral Surgery) Outline of Oral Surgery: Pts. 1 & 2 (Killey & Kay's Outline of Oral Surgery) by D. A. McGowan MDS PhD FDS RCS FFDRCSI FDSRCPSG,Malcolm Harris MD FRSRCS FFDRCSI,H. C. Killey FDSRCS(Eng) FDS HDD RCS(Edin) LRCP(Lond) MRCS(Eng),L. W. Kay MDS FDS RCS(Eng) LRCP(Lond) MRCS(Eng),G. R. Seward CBE MDS FRCS FDS RCS(Eng) Butterworth-Heinemann Paperback 6 November 1997 from£53.98 | RRP: £39.99
  • Periodontics Periodontics by Barry M. Eley BDS FDSRCS PhD Professor,Mena Soory FDSRCS PhD FHEA Professor,J. D. Manson MChD PhD FDSRCS Dr. Churchill Livingstone Paperback 7 January 2010 from£79.63 | RRP: £56.99
  • Textbook of General and Oral Medicne (Dental) Textbook of General and Oral Medicne (Dental) by David Wray MD BDS MB ChB FDSRCPS FDSRCS(Edin),Gordon Lowe,John H. Dagg MD FRCP(Glasg) FRCP(Edin),David H. Felix BDS MB ChB FDSRCS FDSRCPS FRSRCS(Edin),Crispian Scully CBE MD PhD MDS MRCS FDSRCS FDSRCPS FFDRCSI FDSRCSE FRCPath FMedSci FHEA FUCL DSc DChD DMed(HC) Dr HC Churchill Livingstone Paperback 5 August 1999 from£63.43 | RRP: £46.99
  • Master Dentistry - Two Volume Package Master Dentistry - Two Volume Package by Paul Coulthard BDS MFGDP MDS FDSRCS PhD Professor,Peter Heasman BDS MDS FDSRCPS DRDRCS PhD Professor,Keith Horner BChD MSc PhD FDSRCPS FRCR DDR Professor,Philip Sloan BDS PhD FRCPath FRSRCS Professor,Elizabeth D. Theaker BDS BSc MSc MPhil Churchill Livingstone Paperback 24 September 2008 from£67.48 | RRP: £47.99
  • Hickman's Analog and RF Circuits Hickman's Analog and RF Circuits by Ian Hickman EUR.ING BSc Hons C. Eng MIEE MIEEE Newnes Paperback 15 January 1998 from£23.75 | RRP: £47.99
  • Analog Circuits Cookbook Analog Circuits Cookbook by Ian Hickman EUR.ING BSc Hons C. Eng MIEE MIEEE Newnes Paperback 16 April 1999 from£71.00 | RRP: £52.99
  • Analog Electronics Analog Electronics by Ian Hickman EUR.ING BSc Hons C. Eng MIEE MIEEE Newnes Paperback 10 June 1999 from£48.99 | RRP: £40.99
  • Special Care in Dentistry Text and Evolve eBooks Package: Handbook of Oral Healthcare Special Care in Dentistry Text and Evolve eBooks Package: Handbook of Oral Healthcare by Crispian Scully CBE MD PhD MDS MRCS FDSRCS FDSRCPS FFDRCSI FDSRCSE FRCPath FMedSci FHEA FUCL DSc DChD DMed (HC),Pedro Diz Dios PhD MD MDS Dr.,Navdeep Kumar BDS FDS RCS (Eng) PhD Cert RDP Dr. Churchill Livingstone Hardcover 8 December 2006 from£49.93 | RRP: £36.52
  • Missing Teeth: A Guide to Treatment Options Missing Teeth: A Guide to Treatment Options by J. Fraser McCord DDS BDS RCS(Edin) C(BIOL) MI(BIOL),Alan A. Grant DDSc MSc FRACDS,Callum Y. Youngson,Roger M. Watson,David M. Davis BA MD CCFP FCFP FRCPSH(Hon) Churchill Livingstone Paperback 16 December 2002 from£48.58 | RRP: £33.99
  • Walther & Houston's Orthodontic Notes Walther & Houston's Orthodontic Notes by Malcolm L. Jones BDS(Wales) MSc(Lond) PhD(Wales) DOrth RCS(Eng) FDS RCS(Edin),Richard G. Oliver BDS(Lond) MScD(Wales) PhD(Wales) LDS RCS(Eng) FDS RCS(Edin) Butterworth-Heinemann Paperback 26 June 2000 from£20.79 | RRP: £23.99
  • Essentials of Dental Radiography and Radiology Essentials of Dental Radiography and Radiology by Eric Whaites MSc BDS(Hons) FDSRCS(Edin) FDSRCS(Eng) FRCR DDRRCR Churchill Livingstone Paperback 8 December 2006 from£62.08 | RRP: £44.99
  • Essentials of Dental Radiography and Radiology Essentials of Dental Radiography and Radiology by Eric Whaites MSc BDS(Hons) FDSRCS(Edin) FDSRCS(Eng) FRCR DDRRCR Churchill Livingstone Paperback 14 February 2002 from£56.68 | RRP: £41.99
  • Radiography and Radiology for Dental Nurses Radiography and Radiology for Dental Nurses by Eric Whaites MSc BDS(Hons) FDSRCS(Edin) FDSRCS(Eng) FRCR DDRRCR Churchill Livingstone Paperback 25 April 2005 from£25.63 | RRP: £18.99
  • Essential Human Disease for Dentists Essential Human Disease for Dentists by Christopher Sproat BDS(Lond) FDSRCS(Eng) MB BS(Hons)(Lond),Georgina Burke,Mark McGurk Churchill Livingstone Paperback 26 October 2006 from£N/A | RRP: £29.99
  • Master Dentistry Package: Master Dentistry Package: "Master Dentistry - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Radiology, Pathology and Oral Medicine", "Master Dentistry - Restorative Dentisry, Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics" by Paul Coulthard BDS MFGDP MDS FDSRCS PhD Professor,Peter Heasman BDS MDS FDSRCPS DRDRCS PhD Professor Churchill Livingstone Paperback 24 September 2003 from£N/A | RRP: £47.99
  • Essential Microbiology for Dentistry Essential Microbiology for Dentistry by Lakshman Samaranayake Hon DSc Hon FDSRCS (Edin) DDS(Glas) BDS FRCPath FHKCPath MIBiol FCDSHK FHKAM(Path) FHKAM(DSurg) Churchill Livingstone Paperback 2 August 2006 from£N/A | RRP: £45.99
  • Essential Microbiology for Dentistry Essential Microbiology for Dentistry by Lakshman Samaranayake Hon DSc Hon FDSRCS (Edin) DDS(Glas) BDS FRCPath FHKCPath MIBiol FCDSHK FHKAM(Path) FHKAM(DSurg) Churchill Livingstone Paperback 25 October 2001 from£59.38 | RRP: £43.99
  • Restorative Dentistry Restorative Dentistry by A. Damien Walmsley BDS MSc PhD FDSRCPS,Trevor F. Walsh DDS BDS MSc FDSRCS(Eng),F. J. Trevor Burke DDS MSc MD S FDS MGDS RCS(Edin) FDSRCPS(Glas) FFGDP(UK),Philip Lumley BDS MDentSc PhD FDSRCPS,Richard Hayes-Hall BDS DGDP(UK),A. C. Shortall BDS DDS FDSRCPS FFDRCS Churchill Livingstone Paperback 3 May 2002 from£51.62 | RRP: £44.99
  • Orthodontics and Paediatric Denistry: Colour Guide (Colour Guides) Orthodontics and Paediatric Denistry: Colour Guide (Colour Guides) by Declan Millett BDSc DDS FDS(RCPSGlasg) DOrthRCSEng MOrthRCSEng,Richard Welbury MB BS BDS PhD FDSRCS Churchill Livingstone Paperback 15 August 2000 from£25.63 | RRP: £17.99
  • Clinical Problem Solving in Orthodontics and Paediatric Dentistry Clinical Problem Solving in Orthodontics and Paediatric Dentistry by Declan Millett BDSc DDS FDS(RCPSGlasg) DOrthRCS(Eng) MOrthRCS(Eng) Professor,Richard Welbury MB BS BDS PhD FDSRCS Professor Churchill Livingstone Paperback 14 February 2005 from£56.68 | RRP: £39.99
  • Atlas of Oral Implantology Atlas of Oral Implantology by Pankaj Singh DDS Diplomate ICOI Diplomate ABOI Fellow AAID,A. Norman Cranin DDS D. Eng FAAID FADSA FICD FAAHD FADM FACD FBSE Mosby Hardcover 8 December 2009 from£218.70 | RRP: £146
  • McMinn's Color Atlas of Head and Neck Anatomy McMinn's Color Atlas of Head and Neck Anatomy by Bari M. Logan MA FMA HonMBIE,Patricia Reynolds BDS MBBS MA PhD FDSRCS(Eng) Professor,Ralph T. Hutchings Mosby Paperback 8 December 2009 from£62.25 | RRP: £47.99
  • Churchill's Pocketbooks Clinical Dentistry (Churchill Pocketbooks) Churchill's Pocketbooks Clinical Dentistry (Churchill Pocketbooks) by Ivor G. Chestnutt BDS MPH PhD FDS(DPH) RCS(Edin) DDPHRCS(Eng) FDS RCS(Eng) FDS RCPS(Glasg) MFPH,John Gibson PHD BDS MB ChB FDS(OM) RCPS(Glasg) FFDRCS(Irel) FDSRCS(Edin) Churchill Livingstone Paperback 6 December 2006 from£36.43 | RRP: £25.99
Showing 1 to 25 for Angus C Cameron BDS Hons MDSc Syd FDSRCS Eng FRACDS FICD