Antonia McLean
Showing 1 to 25 for Antonia McLean
Humanism and the Rise of Science in Tudor England Heinemann Educational Publishers Hardcover 3 July 1972 from£5.06 | RRP:
£8.5 -
A Transactional Approach to Early Language Training (Merrill Communication Development and Communication Disorders Series) Merrill Pub Co Paperback 1 February 1978 from£21.22 | RRP:
£11.66 -
The Weaker Vessel: Woman's Lot in Seventeenth-century England Weidenfeld & Nicolson Hardcover 3 May 1984 from£N/A | RRP:
£25 -
Royal Charles: Charles II and the Restoration Alfred a Knopf Hardcover 1 November 1979 from£22.88 | RRP:
£13.53 -
The Cavalier Case: A Jemima Shore Mystery Bantam Dell Pub Group (Trd) Hardcover 1 January 1991 from£N/A | RRP:
£12.17 -
Mary Queen Of Scots Weidenfeld & Nicolson Hardcover 19 March 1987 from£33.75 | RRP:
£25 -
The Life and Times of King James VI of Scotland, I of England (Kings & Queens of England S.) Weidenfeld & Nicolson Hardcover 26 September 1974 from£N/A | RRP:
£15.99 -
The Bush Agenda: Invading the World, One Economy at a Time HarperCollins Paperback 1 June 2007 from£N/A | RRP:
£9.99 -
Autumn Term (Puffin Books) Puffin Books Paperback 29 September 1977 from£3.37 | RRP:
£2.5 -
Cromwell, Our Chief of Men (A Methuen paperback) Methuen Publishing Ltd Paperback 11 July 1985 from£6.68 | RRP:
£4.95 -
Warrior Queens Weidenfeld & Nicolson Hardcover 20 October 1994 from£23.60 | RRP:
£25 -
The Tyranny of Oil: The World's Most Powerful Industry - and What We Must Do to Stop it HarperPaperbacks Paperback 15 December 2009 from£N/A | RRP:
£10.99 -
Reason, Virtue and Psychotherapy WileyBlackwell Paperback 7 April 2006 from£N/A | RRP:
£25.99 -
King Charles II Weidenfeld & Nicolson Hardcover 9 November 1989 from£33.75 | RRP:
£25 -
The Sugar House (Virago modern classics) Virago Press Ltd Hardcover 16 July 1979 from£6.99 | RRP:
£6.99 -
Mary Queen Of Scots Weidenfeld & Nicolson Hardcover 17 February 1994 from£N/A | RRP:
£20 -
The Six Wives Of Henry VIII Weidenfeld & Nicolson Hardcover 8 April 1999 from£N/A | RRP:
£25 -
The Enchanter's Daughter Red Fox Paperback 17 October 1991 from£5.38 | RRP:
£3.99 -
Madame Depardieu and the Beautiful Strangers Fourth Estate Paperback 5 February 2007 from£16.18 | RRP:
£11.99 -
Into the Spotlight (Dancing Shoes) Puffin Books Paperback 30 April 1998 from£4.03 | RRP:
£2.99 -
Pierre Gassendi and the Birth of Early Modern Philosophy Cambridge University Press Paperback 5 November 2009 from£35.99 | RRP:
£21.99 -
The Six Wives Of Henry VIII Weidenfeld & Nicolson Hardcover 3 June 1993 from£13.48 | RRP:
£9.99 -
The "New York Dolls": Too Much Too Soon Omnibus Press Paperback 11 July 2005 from£11.99 | RRP:
£7.95 -
The Mousehole Cat (Book & CD) Walker Books Ltd Paperback 2 October 2006 from£10.78 | RRP:
£7.99 -
Living with Minka and Curdy Harvill P. Hardcover 16 March 1970 from£N/A | RRP:
Showing 1 to 25 for Antonia McLean