DW Jorgenson
Showing 1 to 25 for DW Jorgenson
Growth: Econometric General Equilibrium Modeling v. 1 MIT Press Hardcover 14 January 1999 from£N/A | RRP:
£51.95 -
Investment: Tax Policy and the Cost of Capital v. 2 (Vol 2 of 2 Vol Set) MIT Press Hardcover 3 June 1996 from£50.72 | RRP:
£51.95 -
Investment: Capital Theory and Investment Behavior v. 1 (Vol 1) (1st of a 2 Vol Set) MIT Press Hardcover 3 June 1996 from£18.83 | RRP:
£51.95 -
Econometrics: Economic Growth in the Informtion Age MIT Press Hardcover 25 July 2002 from£N/A | RRP:
£51.95 -
A New Architecture for the U.S. National Accounts (National Bureau of Economic Research Studies in Income and Wealth) Chicago University Press Hardcover 15 September 2006 from£68.74 | RRP:
£69.5 -
Investment: Lifting the Burden - Tax Reform, the Cost of Capital and U.S. Economic Growth v. 3 MIT Press Hardcover 3 September 2001 from£16.13 | RRP:
£45.95 -
Productivity: Information Technology and the American Growth Resurgence v. 3 MIT Press Hardcover 4 October 2005 from£10.78 | RRP:
£37.95 -
Productivity: International Comparisons of Economic Growth v. 2 MIT Press Hardcover 1 March 1995 from£58.91 | RRP:
£51.95 -
Productivity: v. 1: Postwar U.S. Economic Growth MIT Press Paperback 12 March 2009 from£N/A | RRP:
£25.95 -
Econometrics: Econometric Modeling of Producer Behavior v. 1 MIT Press Hardcover 1 June 2000 from£10.78 | RRP:
£51.95 -
The Heat Kernel and Theta Inversion on SL2(C) (Springer Monographs in Mathematics) Springer Hardcover 30 October 2008 from£N/A | RRP:
£69.99 -
Very Crazy, G.I. Presidio Press / Ballantine Books Mass Market Paperback 1 March 2001 from£7.54 | RRP:
£5.42 -
In Flanders Fields (Aspca Henry Bergh Children's Book Awards (Awards)) Simply Read Books Hardcover 1 June 2004 from£14.83 | RRP:
£10.99 -
Third-generation and Wideband HF Radio Communications (Mobile Communications) Artech House Publishers Hardcover 30 November 2012 from£119.00 | RRP:
£99 -
Home Is Where We Start From W. W. Norton & Co. Paperback 19 September 1990 from£17.99 | RRP:
£10.99 -
Bad News, Good News: Conversational Order in Everyday Talk and Clinical Settings Chicago University Press Paperback 3 June 2003 from£32.99 | RRP:
£20.5 -
Foraging: Behavior and Ecology Chicago University Press Paperback 21 September 2007 from£46.65 | RRP:
£31 -
On Your Own without a Net: The Transition to Adulthood for Vulnerable Populations (John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Series on Mental Health and Development) Chicago University Press Hardcover 6 December 2005 from£33.50 | RRP:
£29.5 -
Mizner's Florida: American Resort Architecture (Architectural History Foundation Books) MIT Press Paperback 1 January 1987 from£25.58 | RRP:
£18.95 -
Biology's First Law: The Tendency for Diversity and Complexity to Increase in Evolutionary Systems Chicago University Press Paperback 1 July 2010 from£16.83 | RRP:
£13 -
The Nature of the Farm: Contracts, Risk and Organization in Agriculture MIT Press Hardcover 11 February 2003 from£9.38 | RRP:
£32.95 -
Getting a Job in Architecture and Design W. W. Norton & Co. Paperback 14 March 2008 from£24.28 | RRP:
£17.99 -
Taiwan Film Directors: A Treasure Island (Film and Culture Series) Columbia University Press Paperback 22 July 2005 from£22.39 | RRP:
£19.5 -
Security for Computer Networks: Introduction to Data Security in Teleprocessing and Electronic Funds Transfer John Wiley & Sons Hardcover 5 September 1984 from£N/A | RRP:
£35 -
Drive: Neurobiological and Molecular Mechanisms of Sexual Motivation (Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience) MIT Press Paperback 9 November 1999 from£N/A | RRP:
Showing 1 to 25 for DW Jorgenson