Gaetan Bephage BA Hons CertEd DipN Lon Cert Social Studies RGN RMN FETC
Showing 1 to 25 for Gaetan Bephage BA Hons CertEd DipN Lon Cert Social Studies RGN RMN FETC
Social and Behavioural Sciences for Nurses: An Intergrated Approach Churchill Livingstone Paperback 10 February 2000 from£35.08 | RRP:
£25.99 -
A Nurse's Survival Guide to the Ward, 3e Churchill Livingstone Paperback 24 July 2012 from£20.99 | RRP:
£19.99 -
Nurse Practitioner: Clincial Skills & Prof Issues: Clinical Skills and Professional Issues Butterworth-Heinemann Paperback 16 September 1999 from£45.88 | RRP:
£33.99 -
Learning Human Skills: An Experiential and Reflective Guide for Nurses and Health Care Professionals Butterworth-Heinemann Paperback 5 March 2002 from£29.99 | RRP:
£24.99 -
Applying the Roper-Logan-Tierney Model in Practice Text and Evolve eBooks Package Churchill Livingstone Hardcover 8 April 2008 from£40.48 | RRP:
£30.26 -
Accident and Emergency Nursing Butterworth-Heinemann Paperback 9 February 2001 from£40.48 | RRP:
£27.99 -
A Textbook of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Churchill Livingstone Paperback 8 June 1992 from£80.98 | RRP:
£55.99 -
Interpersonal Communication in Nursing (2nd Edition) Churchill Livingstone Paperback 11 June 2003 from£26.58 | RRP:
£25.99 -
Clinical Risk Management Modification: A Route to Clinical Governance Butterworth-Heinemann Paperback 21 December 1998 from£41.83 | RRP:
£28.99 -
Health Visiting: Specialist Community Public Health Nursing Churchill Livingstone Paperback 20 July 2005 from£35.99 | RRP:
£30.99 -
Clinical Governance and Best Value: Meeting the Modernisation Agenda Churchill Livingstone Paperback 23 October 2003 from£N/A | RRP:
£32.99 -
Health Visiting: Specialist and Higher Level Practice Churchill Livingstone Paperback 10 May 2000 from£47.23 | RRP:
£34.99 -
Nursing Frontiers: Accountability and the Boundaries of Care Butterworth-Heinemann Paperback 14 March 2000 from£43.18 | RRP:
£29.99 -
Nurse Practitioners Text and Evolve eBooks Package: Clinical Skill and Professional Issues Butterworth-Heinemann Hardcover 2 December 2005 from£56.68 | RRP:
£41.74 -
Watson's Clinical Nursing and Related Sciences Bailliere Tindall Paperback 21 June 2002 from£51.28 | RRP:
£37.99 -
Learning Disabilities Churchill Livingstone Paperback 11 December 2002 from£N/A | RRP:
£33.99 -
Community Health Care Nursing: Principles for Practice Butterworth-Heinemann Paperback 25 April 1996 from£60.73 | RRP:
£41.99 -
A Textbook of Children's and Young People's Nursing Text and Evolve eBooks Package Churchill Livingstone Hardcover 6 December 2005 from£53.98 | RRP:
£41.74 -
Accident and Emergency: Theory into Practice Bailliere Tindall Paperback 1 November 1999 from£62.08 | RRP:
£45.99 -
Contemporary Issues in Healthcare Law and Ethics Butterworth-Heinemann Paperback 26 August 2005 from£44.53 | RRP:
£32.99 -
Mental Health Nursing: A Manual for Practice, 1e Churchill Livingstone Paperback 9 October 2013 from£41.83 | RRP:
£29.99 -
A Textbook of Perioperative Care Churchill Livingstone Hardcover 17 May 2005 from£50.99 | RRP:
£47.99 -
Principles of Perioperative Practice Churchill Livingstone Paperback 11 May 2000 from£32.99 | RRP:
£32.99 -
Partnership Working in Mental Health Care: The Nursing Dimension Churchill Livingstone Paperback 8 December 2004 from£N/A | RRP:
£25.99 -
Color Guide to the Nursing Management of Leg Ulcers Mosby Paperback 1 April 1994 from£28.33 | RRP:
Showing 1 to 25 for Gaetan Bephage BA Hons CertEd DipN Lon Cert Social Studies RGN RMN FETC