George E Walker
Showing 1 to 25 for George E Walker
The Formation of Scholars: Rethinking Doctoral Education for the Twenty First Century (Jossey-Bass/Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching) Jossey Bass Hardcover 8 February 2008 from£29.46 | RRP:
£26.99 -
The Ancient Celtic Festivals: And How We Celebrate Them Today: An How We Celebrate Them Today Inner Traditions Bear and Company Hardcover 1 November 2000 from£20.23 | RRP:
£14.99 -
The Vagabond, a Novel, in two Volumes ... By George Walker, ... of 2; Volume 1 Gale ECCO, Print Editions Hardcover 19 April 2018 from£25.58 | RRP:
£ -
Educating the Global Citizen John Catt Education Ltd Paperback 25 August 2006 from£12.50 | RRP:
£11.95 -
Gatherings from Grave Yards (1839) Kessinger Publishing Co Paperback 1 June 2003 from£23.99 | RRP:
£20.95 -
The Cribbage Player's Text-book; Being a New and Complete Treatise on the ... Bastian Books Hardcover 21 August 2008 from£N/A | RRP:
£16.99 -
How to be a Motorist and Stay Happy New English Library Ltd Paperback 1 July 1969 from£N/A | RRP:
£0.37 -
Journey in Tears: Memory of a Girlhood in China W.H. Allen / Virgin Books Hardcover 19 February 1979 from£8.03 | RRP:
£5.95 -
Financial Services Law (0) OUP Oxford Hardcover 19 March 2009 from£283.50 | RRP:
£195 -
Early Philosophical Shiism: The Isma'ili Neoplatonism of Abu Ya'qub al-Sijistani (Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization) Cambridge University Press Paperback 24 April 2008 from£N/A | RRP:
£15.99 -
The Battered Woman HarperPerennial Paperback 1 April 1980 from£9.01 | RRP:
£9.49 -
Breaking Strongholds in the African-American Family: Strategies for Spiritual Warfare Zondervan Paperback 1 February 1996 from£N/A | RRP:
£6.99 -
Early Philosophical Shiism: The Isma'ili Neoplatonism of Abu Ya'qub al-Sijistani (Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization) Cambridge University Press Hardcover 30 July 1993 from£N/A | RRP:
£55 -
Teaching Music: Managing the Successful Music Program Wadsworth Publishing Co Inc Hardcover 23 January 1998 from£54.06 | RRP:
£30.99 -
Terrifying Love: Why Battered Women Kill and How Society Responds HarperPerennial Paperback 1 October 1990 from£15.12 | RRP:
£9.15 -
We Can't Go Home Again: An Argument About Afrocentrism Oxford University Press Inc Hardcover 30 September 2004 from£93.99 | RRP:
£21.99 -
Terrifying Love: Why Battered Women Kill and How Society Responds Harpercollins Hardcover 1 November 1989 from£N/A | RRP:
£13.82 -
Sportsman's Cook Book: Fish and Game S.Paul Hardcover 11 November 1978 from£10.73 | RRP:
£7.95 -
Evaluating Public Management Reforms: Principles and Practice (Managing the Public Services) Open University Press Paperback 1 January 2003 from£N/A | RRP:
£28.99 -
Surgical Management of Abdominal Wall Hernias Informa Healthcare Hardcover 1 October 1998 from£54.87 | RRP:
£70 -
The Constructivist Leader Teachers' College Press Hardcover 31 March 1996 from£43.13 | RRP:
£39.95 -
The Earth Breath and Other Poems (1879) Kessinger Publishing Paperback 1 December 2009 from£15.63 | RRP:
£12.29 -
Hit: Essays on Women's Rights (Classics in Women's Studies) Prometheus Books Paperback 20 August 2003 from£16.99 | RRP:
£16.99 -
Alex Horley 2007 Calendar Heavy Metal Magazine Calendar 30 August 2006 from£16.36 | RRP:
£10.1 -
A First Course in Fuzzy Logic CRC Press Inc Hardcover 21 July 1999 from£56.68 | RRP:
Showing 1 to 25 for George E Walker