Howard D Goodfellow
Showing 1 to 25 for Howard D Goodfellow
Advanced Design of Ventilation Systems for Contaminant Control (Chemical Engineering Monographs) Elsevier Science Ltd Hardcover 1 September 1985 from£269.66 | RRP:
£199.75 -
Industrial Ventilation Design Guidebook Academic Press Hardcover 19 May 2001 from£N/A | RRP:
£240 -
Shakespeare's Birds Viking Children's Books Hardcover 29 September 1983 from£12.08 | RRP:
£8.95 -
Challenging E Learning in the University: A Literacies Perspective (Society for Research Into Higher Education) Open University Press Paperback 1 October 2007 from£52.18 | RRP:
£28.99 -
OCR AS Science Student Book Heinemann Paperback 23 May 2008 from£28.68 | RRP:
£16.5 -
Pocket Tutor Neurological Examination (Pocket Tutor Series) JP Medical Ltd Paperback 14 June 2012 from£14.95 | RRP:
£11.95 -
Questions for the Mrcs Viva (Hodder Arnold Publication) Hodder Arnold Paperback 30 January 2004 from£32.67 | RRP:
£25.99 -
Jake's Wake Leisure Books Mass Market Paperback 30 December 2008 from£9.16 | RRP:
£5.42 -
Streetwise Kingsway Publications Paperback 1 June 1989 from£2.68 | RRP:
£1.99 -
Whispering Back Ebury Press Paperback 1 April 2004 from£12.45 | RRP:
£8.99 -
Whispering Back: Tales from a Stable in the English Countryside Ebury Press Hardcover 6 March 2003 from£22.93 | RRP:
£16.99 -
Bare Bone #11 Raw Dog Screaming Press Paperback 5 May 2009 from£8.10 | RRP:
£6 -
China Business Culture: Strategies for Success Thorogood Paperback 7 July 2006 from£26.98 | RRP:
£19.99 -
Unicompartmental Arthroplasty with the Oxford Knee OUP Oxford Hardcover 22 June 2006 from£N/A | RRP:
£64 -
BTEC First in Applied Science: Principles of Applied Science Student Book (Btec First Edexcel) Edexcel Paperback 13 July 2012 from£17.25 | RRP:
£13.99 -
Venice and the East: The Impact of the Islamic World on Venetian Architecture Yale University Press Hardcover 1 September 2000 from£29.25 | RRP:
£45 -
The Specter of Democracy: What Marx and Marxists Haven't Understood and Why (Columbia Themes in Philosophy, Social Criticism, and the Arts) Columbia University Press Hardcover 18 September 2002 from£60.75 | RRP:
£72.5 -
The Architectural History of Venice (Revised and enlarged edition) Yale University Press Paperback 25 February 2004 from£19.99 | RRP:
£14.99 -
The Specter of Democracy: What Marx and Marxists Haven't Understood and Why Columbia University Press Paperback 9 May 2006 from£N/A | RRP:
£25 -
Sound and Space in Renaissance Venice: Architecture, Music, Acoustics Yale University Press Hardcover 27 November 2009 from£40.50 | RRP:
£30 -
Britannia's Issue: The Rise of British Literature from Dryden to Ossian Cambridge University Press Paperback 15 February 2007 from£40.76 | RRP:
£35 -
Eighteenth-Century Satire: Essays on Text and Context from Dryden to Peter Pindar Cambridge University Press Paperback 15 February 2007 from£33.27 | RRP:
£23.99 -
The Legend of the Green Wolf Rider: a spellbinding fantasy full of magic and nature Crumps Barn Studio Paperback 26 October 2023 from£6.21 | RRP:
£ -
Brief Tests of Collection Strength: A Methodology for All Types of Libraries (Contributions in Librarianship & Information Science) Greenwood Press Hardcover 30 September 1995 from£60.02 | RRP:
£77.95 -
Building and Implementing a Security Certification and Accreditation Program Auerbach Publications Hardcover 15 December 2005 from£25.59 | RRP:
Showing 1 to 25 for Howard D Goodfellow