Jeffrey Meyers
Showing 1 to 25 for Jeffrey Meyers
T.E.Lawrence: Soldier, Writer, Legend Palgrave Macmillan Hardcover 8 December 1989 from£N/A | RRP:
£42.5 -
Homosexuality and Literature, 1890-1930 Continuum International Publishing Group - Athlone Hardcover 20 June 1977 from£N/A | RRP:
£15.99 -
Joseph Conrad: A Biography John Murray Publishers Ltd Hardcover 18 July 1991 from£27.00 | RRP:
£20 -
Married to Genius: A Fascinating Insight into the Lives of Nine Modern Writers Southbank Publishing Paperback 26 May 2005 from£13.48 | RRP:
£9.99 -
Privileged Moments: Encounters with Writers University of Wisconsin Press Hardcover 31 October 2000 from£26.84 | RRP:
£22.5 -
Manic Power: Robert Lowell and His Circle Macmillan Hardcover 20 August 1987 from£N/A | RRP:
£16.95 -
The Genius and the Goddess: Arthur Miller and Marilyn Monroe Arrow Books Ltd Paperback 1 April 2010 from£8.79 | RRP:
£8.99 -
Scott Fitzgerald: A Biography Harper Perennial Paperback 13 March 2014 from£10.99 | RRP:
£10.99 -
My Wicked, Wicked Ways: The Autobiography of Errol Flynn Cooper Square Press Paperback 28 January 2003 from£13.95 | RRP:
£13.99 -
Robert Frost: A Biography Houghton Mifflin Paperback 29 July 1997 from£13.43 | RRP:
£9.95 -
Somerset Maugham: A Life Alfred A Knopf Hardcover 26 March 2004 from£30.37 | RRP:
£20.79 -
The Genius and the Goddess Hutchinson Hardcover 2 April 2009 from£14.15 | RRP:
£20 -
Scott Fitzgerald: A Biography Papermac Paperback 22 September 1995 from£16.20 | RRP:
£12 -
John Huston: Courage and Art Crown Publishing Group, Division of Random House Inc Hardcover 15 November 2011 from£13.99 | RRP:
£19.99 -
Hemingway: A Biography Harpercollins Hardcover 1 October 1985 from£31.54 | RRP:
£18.65 -
Katherine Mansfield: A Darker View Cooper Square Publishers Inc.,U.S. Paperback 11 February 2002 from£14.66 | RRP:
£11.95 -
Joseph Conrad: A Biography Cooper Square Publishers Inc.,U.S. Paperback 9 February 2001 from£12.95 | RRP:
£11.95 -
D.H.Lawrence: A Biography Papermac Paperback 23 July 1993 from£20.23 | RRP:
£14.99 -
Gary Cooper William Morrow Hardcover 1 June 1998 from£29.83 | RRP:
£18.02 -
Homosexuality and Literature, 1890-1930 Continuum International Publishing Group - Athlone Paperback 22 January 1987 from£40.50 | RRP:
£19.99 -
Modigliani: A Life Harcourt Brace International Hardcover 1 October 2006 from£26.93 | RRP:
£19.95 -
Samuel Johnson: The Struggle Basic Books Hardcover 11 November 2008 from£N/A | RRP:
£22.99 -
D.H. Lawrence: A Biography Alfred a Knopf Hardcover 1 June 1990 from£28.62 | RRP:
£17.29 -
D.H.Lawrence: A Biography Cooper Square Press Paperback 9 September 2002 from£14.95 | RRP:
£11.95 -
Robert Frost: A Biography (Biography & Memoirs) Constable Hardcover 20 May 1996 from£20.00 | RRP:
Showing 1 to 25 for Jeffrey Meyers