R I Soare
Showing 1 to 25 for R I Soare
Recursively Enumberable Sets and Degrees (Perspectives in Mathematical Logic) Springer Hardcover 1 April 1987 from£111.30 | RRP:
£65.78 -
Earth Pressure and Earth-retaining Structures Routledge Hardcover 7 January 1993 from£399.60 | RRP:
£195 -
Fundamental Aspects of Radiology Taylor & Francis Ltd Paperback 1 July 1999 from£37.12 | RRP:
£27.5 -
Surge Tectonics: A New Hypothesis of Global Geodynamics (Solid Earth Sciences Library) Springer Paperback 20 September 2011 from£131.50 | RRP:
£175.5 -
An Atlas of the Reptiles of North Eurasia.: Taxonomic Diversity, Distribution, Conservation Status (Pensoft Series Faunistica) Pensoft Publishers Hardcover 1 May 2006 from£197.43 | RRP:
£52.5 -
Chitty and Jacob's Queen's Bench Forms: 6th Cumulative Supplement to 21r. e (Common Law Library) Sweet & Maxwell Paperback 10 June 1993 from£33.75 | RRP:
£25 -
Fitness for Work: The Medical Aspects (Oxford Medical Publications) Oxford University Press Paperback 1 April 1995 from£50.62 | RRP:
£37.5 -
Pocket Director: Essentials of Corporate Governance from A-Z (Economist Books) Economist Books Hardcover 8 October 1998 from£14.83 | RRP:
£10.99 -
Birth of Popular Heresy (Documents of Mediaeval History) Hodder & Stoughton Educational Paperback 1 October 1975 from£N/A | RRP:
£6.95 -
The Formation of a Persecuting Society: Power and Deviance in Western Europe, 950-1250 Wiley-Blackwell Paperback 19 December 2000 from£19.98 | RRP:
£19.99 -
Pregnancy, Birth, and the Early Months: The Thinking Woman's Guide (Merloyd Lawrence Book) Perseus Books Paperback 4 August 2000 from£14.79 | RRP:
£10.99 -
The Formation of a Persecuting Society: Authority and Deviance in Western Europe 950-1250 Wiley-Blackwell Paperback 22 December 2006 from£19.74 | RRP:
£19.99 -
The Pocket Director: Essentials of Corporate Governance from A-Z (Pocket series) Economist Books Hardcover 20 January 2000 from£14.83 | RRP:
£10.99 -
The Origins of European Dissent (Medieval academy reprints for teaching) University of Toronto Press Paperback 29 April 1994 from£25.65 | RRP:
£14.5 -
Wind Generated Ocean Waves: 2 (Elsevier Ocean Engineering Series) Elsevier Science Hardcover 23 March 1999 from£107.65 | RRP:
£98.99 -
Further Elementary Analysis Collins Educational Paperback 1 December 1992 from£20.58 | RRP:
£15.25 -
Beat the Odds in Forex Trading: How to Identify and Profit from High Percentage Market Patterns (Wiley Trading) John Wiley & Sons Hardcover 25 August 2006 from£N/A | RRP:
£39.99 -
Philips/Ordnance Survey Street Atlas: Peak District Towns Philip's OS Publications Spiral-bound 13 July 1998 from£3.50 | RRP:
£3.5 -
General Relativity OUP Oxford Paperback 2 August 1990 from£N/A | RRP:
£39.99 -
Multiple Choice Questions in Ordinary Level English Comprehension Pitman Publishing Paperback 7 December 1971 from£0.65 | RRP:
£0.95 -
Find it Fast HarperCollins Paperback 1 May 1997 from£N/A | RRP:
£8.95 -
Foundations of the Modern World Wiley-Blackwell (an imprint of John Wiley & Sons Ltd) Hardcover 1 October 2009 from£24.28 | RRP:
£17.99 -
Comparative Policing Issues: An International Perspective Routledge Paperback 8 November 1990 from£17.53 | RRP:
£12.99 -
Norse Myths (Legendary Past) University of Texas Press Paperback 1 January 1991 from£16.20 | RRP:
£9.7 -
Vortex Element Methods for Fluid Dynamic Analysis of Engineering Systems (Cambridge Engine Technology Series) Cambridge University Press Paperback 21 July 2005 from£75.97 | RRP:
Showing 1 to 25 for R I Soare