Steven P Vallas
Showing 1 to 25 for Steven P Vallas
The Sociology of Work: Structures and Inequalities OUP USA Paperback 8 April 2010 from£60.09 | RRP:
£50 -
The Executive Guide to Understanding and Implementing Lean Six Sigma: The Financial Impact (The Asq Quality Management Division Economics of Quality Book Series) Amer Society for Quality Paperback 21 February 2007 from£5.73 | RRP:
£20.17 -
Residential Building Codes Illustrated: A Guide to Understanding the 2009 International Residential Code John Wiley & Sons Paperback 1 September 2010 from£36.99 | RRP:
£33.99 -
Hypodontia: A Team Approach to Management Wiley-Blackwell Hardcover 31 December 2010 from£86.16 | RRP:
£79.99 -
Real Estate Math Demystified McGraw-Hill Professional Paperback 1 June 2007 from£N/A | RRP:
£12.99 -
Billy Graham and the Rise of the Republican South (Politics & Culture in Modern America) University of Pennsylvania Press Hardcover 20 March 2009 from£26.00 | RRP:
£19.5 -
A Practical Introduction to Software Design with C++ (Worldwide series in computer science) John Wiley & Sons Paperback 16 October 1998 from£172.95 | RRP:
£88.95 -
Trouble in the Middle: American-Chinese Business Relations, Culture, Conflict, and Ethics Routledge Hardcover 11 April 2013 from£119.82 | RRP:
£75 -
Megamistakes: Forecasting and the Myth of Rapid Technological Change The Free Press Board book 1 February 1989 from£30.98 | RRP:
£22.95 -
Managing Imitation Strategies: How Later Entrants Seize Markets from Pioneers Simon and Schuster Hardcover 6 March 1995 from£N/A | RRP:
£20 -
Caring for Your Baby and Young Child: Birth to Age 5 Oxford University Press Paperback 15 January 1998 from£20.23 | RRP:
£14.99 -
Chinese Sociologics: An Anthropological Account of Alienation and Social Reproduction (LSE Monographs on Social Anthropology) The Athlone Press Paperback 1 January 2000 from£32.73 | RRP:
£18.99 -
Rainbow's End: Irish-Americans and the Dilemmas of Urban Machine Politics, 1840-1985 (California Series on Social Choice & Political Economy) University of California Press Hardcover 1 July 1992 from£36.00 | RRP:
£36 -
Lifelines: Life Beyond the Gene McGraw-Hill Paperback 9 October 2003 from£70.51 | RRP:
£30.52 -
Lifelines: Biology Beyond Determinism Oxford Univ Pr (Txt) Hardcover 4 December 1997 from£16.85 | RRP:
£20.79 -
Educator's Lifetime Encyclopedia of Letters Jossey Bass Paperback 16 April 1998 from£25.85 | RRP:
£28.99 -
Elementary Particles and the Laws of Physics: The 1986 Dirac Memorial Lectures Cambridge University Press Hardcover 27 November 1987 from£60.75 | RRP:
£45 -
2002 Gems of Educational Wit & Humor Parker Hardcover 1 February 1994 from£28.04 | RRP:
£18.95 -
Social Statistics: A User-Friendly Approach Pearson Education Paperback 9 February 1995 from£N/A | RRP:
£35.99 -
School Administrator's Public Speaking Portfolio: With Model Speeches and Anecdotes Jossey Bass Paperback 7 April 1983 from£N/A | RRP:
£28.99 -
Elementary Particles and the Laws of Physics: The 1986 Dirac Memorial Lectures Cambridge University Press Paperback 13 July 1999 from£11.99 | RRP:
£18.99 -
Discovery Play Ulysses Press Paperback 1 December 1995 from£10.78 | RRP:
£7.99 -
Sociocultural Theory and the Genesis of Second Language Development (Oxford Applied Linguistics) OUP Oxford Paperback 2 March 2006 from£N/A | RRP:
£27.5 -
Numerical Methods for Engineers McGraw Hill Higher Education Hardcover 1 January 1985 from£44.00 | RRP:
£44 -
Youth Violence (General Psychology) Elsevier Hardcover 1 March 1986 from£36.45 | RRP:
Showing 1 to 25 for Steven P Vallas