Vladimir Z Jankovic
Showing 1 to 25 for Vladimir Z Jankovic
The IMO Compendium: A Collection of Problems Suggested for The International Mathematical Olympiads: 1959-2004 (Problem Books in Mathematics) Springer Hardcover 28 March 2006 from£67.48 | RRP:
£49.99 -
Quantum Mechanics for Nanostructures Cambridge University Press Hardcover 20 May 2010 from£54.99 | RRP:
£40 -
Reading the Skies: A Cultural History of the English Weather, 1650-1820 Chicago University Press Paperback 17 April 2001 from£25.50 | RRP:
£18 -
Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Hardcover 1 November 2002 from£14.67 | RRP:
£81 -
Neurological Clinical Examination: A Concise Guide CRC Press Paperback 24 February 2012 from£47.23 | RRP:
£24.99 -
Principles and Practice of Movement Disorders: Text with DVD Churchill Livingstone Hardcover 4 October 2007 from£87.48 | RRP:
£139.86 -
Principles and Practice of Movement Disorders: Expert Consult Saunders Hardcover 8 August 2011 from£74.07 | RRP:
£149.1 -
Street Art of the Revolution: Festivals and Celebrations in Russia, 1918-33 Rizzoli International Publications Hardcover 1 February 1991 from£67.50 | RRP:
£50 -
Dystonia: Etiology, Clinical Features and Treatment Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Paperback 1 May 2004 from£55.00 | RRP:
£55 -
Neurology in Clinical Practice e-dition: Text with Continually Updated Online Reference, 2-Volume Set Butterworth-Heinemann Hardcover 14 December 2007 from£457.65 | RRP:
£321.48 -
Pocket Companion to Neurology in Clinical Practice, Textbook & CD-ROM PDA Software Package Butterworth-Heinemann Hardcover 15 October 2004 from£N/A | RRP:
£45.91 -
Neurology in Clinical Practice e-dition: Text with Continually Updated Online Reference: Principles of Diagnosis and Management Butterworth-Heinemann Hardcover 19 December 2003 from£186.44 | RRP:
£292.25 -
Botulinum Toxin: Therapeutic Clinical Practice and Science, Expert Consult - Online and Print Saunders Hardcover 18 February 2009 from£116.08 | RRP:
£69.92 -
The China-Japan War: Compiled from Japanese, Chinese and Foreign Sources Unknown Hardcover 30 July 2007 from£43.99 | RRP:
£33.95 -
The Bedbug and Selected Poetry Indiana University Press Paperback 1 October 1975 from£22.26 | RRP:
£10.21 -
Mary Littlehampton Book Services Ltd Hardcover 1 February 1971 from£2.02 | RRP:
£2.25 -
Lolita (Popular Penguins) Penguin Paperback 1 September 2008 from£N/A | RRP:
£4.85 -
Glory (Penguin Modern Classics) Penguin Classics Paperback 5 November 2009 from£9.19 | RRP:
£12 -
Pale Fire Penguin Books Ltd Paperback 25 October 1973 from£N/A | RRP:
£2.25 -
Excitations in Organic Solids (International Series of Monographs on Physics) OUP Oxford Hardcover 12 February 2009 from£N/A | RRP:
£67.5 -
Look at the Harlequins! Littlehampton Book Services (LBS) Hardcover 17 April 1975 from£N/A | RRP:
£6.5 -
Pro Eto: That's What (Arc Classic Translations Series) Arc Publications Hardcover 31 March 2009 from£21.58 | RRP:
£15.99 -
Workers' Councils in Czechoslovakia Palgrave Macmillan Hardcover 1 April 1979 from£N/A | RRP:
£20.31 -
The Ivankiad.....or The Tale of the Writer Voinovich's Installation in His New Apartment Jonathan Cape Ltd Hardcover 2 March 1978 from£5.33 | RRP:
£3.95 -
The Burden (Flamingo) Flamingo Paperback 10 February 1986 from£N/A | RRP:
Showing 1 to 25 for Vladimir Z Jankovic