1,001 Reasons to Love America Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

1,001 Reasons to Love America Book

From sea to shining sea-including a quick stop at Fort Payne, Alabama, the Official Sock Capital of the World-there's something for everyone in this great nation. With compelling juxtapositions of pictures and text, Hubert Pedroli and Mary Tiegreen showcase a select 1,001.The newest addition to the successful 1,001 series, this cross-country collection invites us to view our homeland and its people from a fresh perspective. Vintage images, breathtaking landscapes, and thought-provoking excerpts revel in the incredible diversity of America. There's Tupperware, the safety pin, and Velcro. There's also national parks, vintage cars, and, of course, the Bill of Rights. Patriotic and nonpartisan, this book is the perfect gift, no matter what your political affiliation. A thousand-plus ways to pledge allegiance: What's not to love? AUTHOR BIO: Hubert Pedroli moved to the U.S. from France in the late 1970s, and he's been discovering reasons to love America ever since. His previous books include 1,001 Reasons to Love(tm) Golf.Mary Tiegreen is a designer and writer whose lifelong interest in the art of bookmaking has resulted in beautifully illustrated titles on a wide variety of topics. She is the creative director of STC's 1,001 Reasons to Love(tm) series.Read More

from£29.97 | RRP: £16.56
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £12.95
  • 1584793775
  • 9781584793779
  • Hubert Pedroli, Mary Tiegreen
  • 1 October 2004
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 320
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