20 Years Younger: Look Younger, Feel Younger, Be Younger! Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

20 Years Younger: Look Younger, Feel Younger, Be Younger! Book

It's time to turn back the clock! In 20 YEARS YOUNGER Bob Greene offers readers a practical science-based plan for looking and feeling their best as they age. The cutting-edge program details easy and effective steps we can all take to rebuild the foundation of youth and enjoy better health improved energy and a positive outlook on life. The four pillars of the program are: ** An exercise regimen for fighting muscle and bone loss ** A longevity-focused diet ** Sleep rejuvenation ** Wrinkle-fighting skin care Practical advice on topics such as changing appearances controlling stress staying mentally sharp and navigating medical tests is woven throughout the book. Readers will walk away with a greater understanding of how the body ages and what they can do to feel - and look - twenty years younger.Read More

from£11.31 | RRP: £27.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.20
  • ASDA

    The new and definitive anti-aging book by bestselling author Bob Greene.

  • Pickabook

    Bob Greene, Harold Lancer, Diane L. McKay

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