365 Things to Draw and Paint (Art Ideas) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

365 Things to Draw and Paint (Art Ideas) Book

Containing something to do on every day of the year, and a bonus activity for leap years, this book includes activities such as textured paper robots, a jungle silhouette, crayon rockets and scrape-paint fossils. It offers step-by-step instructions and colourful illustrations.Read More

from£11.99 | RRP: £12.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £4.10
  • BookDepository

    365 things to Draw and Paint : Spiral bound : Usborne Publishing Ltd : 9781409504474 : : 30 Oct 2009 : A book featuring something to draw or paint for everyday of the year. It includes activities such as fingerprint monkeys, a chalky fish picture, collage robots and jungle silhouettes. It explains every activity with step-by-step instructions. It also contains tips and ideas to make each activity a work of art.

  • TheBookPeople

    A book featuring something to draw or paint for every day of the year, 365 Things to Draw and Paint includes activities such as fingerprint monkeys, a chalky fish picture, collage robots and jungle silhouettes. It explains every activity with step-by-step instructions and also contains tips and ideas on how to make each activity a work of art.

  • 1409504476
  • 9781409504474
  • Fiona Watt
  • 30 October 2009
  • Usborne Publishing Ltd
  • Spiral-bound (Book)
  • 128
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