A Book of Middle English Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

A Book of Middle English Book

This essential book introduces readers to the wide range of literature written in England between 1150 and 1400. It opens with an introduction designed to enable the reader to understand the representative pieces of Middle English literature that follow. It describes the language as it was used in different parts of the country, shows how it evolved over this period, and offers guidance on pronunciation, grammar, meter, and vocabulary. The third edition of A Book of Middle English has been extensively enhanced. The authors have revised key works in light of new editions, updated bibliographic entries, and added two new texts. Taken as a whole, the book is the ideal overview of Middle English language and literature.Read More

from£26.98 | RRP: £19.99
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  • Product Description

    This revised edition takes account of suggestions and comments from reviewers and from those who have used the first edition all over the world. The main features of the second edition are the inclusion of etymologies in the glossary and the edition of three complete texts by Chaucer: The Parliament of Fowls, The Reeve's Tale and The Prioress's Tale. Part One has been revised to cover English at the time of Chaucer, and suggestions for further reading have been updated throughout the book.

  • 0631193537
  • 9780631193531
  • J A Burrow, Thorlac TurvillePetre
  • 20 December 1995
  • WileyBlackwell
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 373
  • 2nd Revised edition
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