A Guide to the Birds of the Philippines (Oxford Ornithology Series) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

A Guide to the Birds of the Philippines (Oxford Ornithology Series) Book

A Guide to the Birds of the Philippines : Paperback : Oxford University Press : 9780198546689 : 0198546688 : 19 Oct 2000 : This volume covers all 572 species of birds known to occur within the 7100 islands that make up the Philippines. Many are now endangered, due to high levels of habitat destruction. The book gives detailed information on plumage, voice, range, distribution, status and habitat.Read More

from£59.00 | RRP: £39.95
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £34.40
  • ASDA

    This volume covers all 572 species of birds known to occur within the 7100 islands that make up the Philippines. Many are now endangered due to high levels of habitat destruction. The book gives detailed information on plumage voice range distribution status and habitat.

  • Blackwell

    The first comprehensive modern guide to the birds of the Philippines illustrates and describes every bird species found in the Philippines, including many sub-species. There are 72 stunning colour plates especially painted for this book...

  • Pickabook

    Robert Kennedy, Pedro C. Gonzales, Edward Dickinson

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