A Jacques Barzun Reader: Selections from His Works (Perennial Classics) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

A Jacques Barzun Reader: Selections from His Works (Perennial Classics) Book

Throughout his career Jacques Barzun, author of the New York Times bestseller and National Book Award Finalist From Dawn to Decadence, has always been known as a witty and graceful essayist, one who combines a depth of knowledge and a rare facility with words.Now Michael Murray has carefully selected eighty of Barzun's most inventive, accomplished, and insightful essays, and compiled them in one impressive volume. With subjects ranging from history to baseball to crime novels, A Jacques Barzun Reader is a feast for any reader.Read More

from£10.17 | RRP: £11.05
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £6.43
  • 0060935421
  • 9780060935429
  • Jacques Barzun
  • 1 July 2003
  • Harper Perennial
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 640
  • Reprint
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