A Lie About My Father Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

A Lie About My Father Book

A memoir of two lost men: a father and his child. It is about forgiving, about examining the way men are made and how they fall apart, about understanding that in order to have a good son you must have a good father. Read More

from£9.89 | RRP: £9.99
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  • TheBookPeople

    A moving, unforgettable memoir of two lost men: a father and his child. He had his final heart attack in the Silver Band Club in Corby, somewhere between the bar and the cigarette machine. A foundling; a fantasist; a morose, threatening drinker who was quick with his hands, he hadn't seen his son for years. John Burnside's extraordinary story of this failed relationship is a beautifully written evocation of a lost and damaged world of childhood and the constants of his father's world: men defined by the drink they could take and the pain they could stand, men shaped by their guilt and machismo. A Lie About My Father is about forgiving but not forgetting, about examining the way men are made and how they fall apart, about understanding that in order to have a good son you must have a good father. Saltire Scottish Book of the Year and the Scottish Arts Council Non-Fiction Book of the Year.

  • 0099479532
  • 9780099479536
  • John Burnside
  • 1 March 2007
  • Vintage
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 336
  • New Ed
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