A Monastic Renaissance at St Albans: Thomas Walsingham and his Circle c.1350-1440 (Oxford Historical Monographs) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

A Monastic Renaissance at St Albans: Thomas Walsingham and his Circle c.1350-1440 (Oxford Historical Monographs) Book

Presents a study of intellectual life - teaching preaching the production of books and the pursuit of scholarship - at one of England's greatest monasteries at the end of the Middle Ages. This study demonstrates the vitality of education and learning in English cloisters.Read More

from£70.00 | RRP: £92.00
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £87.33
  • Product Description

    A Monastic Renaissance at St Albans is a study of intellectual life - teaching, preaching, the production of books, and the pursuit of scholarship - at one of England's greatest monasteries at the end of the Middle Ages. It has always been assumed that the monasteries fell into decline long before the Dissolution, but this study demonstrates the continuing vitality of education and learning in English cloisters and even uncovers evidence of a revival in Classical studies comparable to the continental Renaissance.

  • 0199275955
  • 9780199275953
  • James G. Clark
  • 9 December 2004
  • Clarendon Press
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 330
  • First edition
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