A Practical Handbook of Archaeology: A Beginner's Guide to Unearthing the Past Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

A Practical Handbook of Archaeology: A Beginner's Guide to Unearthing the Past Book

A professional and instructive companion to in-the-field archaeology, with over 300 inspiring photographs and illustrations. Packed with detailed information to take you from novice to advanced level. Ultimate hands on resource for new enthusiasts.Read More

from£8.15 | RRP: £8.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £4.30
  • TheBookPeople

    This is a beginner's guide to unearthing the past. It is an invaluable tool for amateur archaeologists with 300 step-by-step photographs, maps and illustrations from excavations around the world. This is the ultimate hands-on resource for new enthusiasts, students and volunteer archaeologists attending their first dig. It is a practical and professional guidebook to every aspect of in-the-field archaeology. It is packed with detailed illustrations and information to take you from beginner to advanced level. It features how-to photographic sequences of field surveys and excavations, plus guidance on handling and recording finds. It features step-by-step tuition and case studies to prepare student and amateur archaeologists for on-site experience. This illustrated practical guide to archaeology is perfect for anyone with a passion for the past. The varied techniques involved in planning and conducting an excavation are discussed in detail, from the initial non-invasive survey and site-walking through to processing and recording finds on site. You can learn how to locate buried archaeology through map regression and the study of aerial photographs; walk a site to sample the finds turned up by farming; or take part in a comprehensive site survey using the latest geophysical technology. With over 300 photographs and illustrations, this is an invaluable practical handbook on fieldwork techniques.

  • Foyles

    An illustrated practical guide to archaeology that is suitable for anyone with a passion for the past. It discusses the varied techniques involved in planning and...

  • 0857232924
  • 9780857232922
  • Christopher Catling
  • 31 December 2013
  • Hermes House
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 128
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