Graham Taylor was sitting in his kitchen one morning, contemplating the universe over a bowl of cold cereal, when he noticed a squirrel outside the window-the same squirrel he'd seen countless times before. How nice it would be, he thought, if that squirrel could be my friend. So he jotted down a few lines to that effect and displayed his creative endeavor on the fridge, which is where his friend Graham Roumieu spotted it. Roumieu illustrated these meandering thoughts and urged Taylor to do more. The rest, as they say, is history.A Really Super Book About Squirrels is a quirky little humor book that combines art and words into a collection that will appeal to both the squirrel lovers and squirrel haters among us. It's a tongue-in-cheek tribute to that backyard rodent that we really want
… read like. Throughout these pages, the author considers the great chasm between humans and squirrels:Sometimes while walking I see you cross the street. You run to the middle and then stop as if you've forgotten something. What is it, I wonder. You look back and forth to see if it is safe to continue, or if you should go back. Just run, I think, a car is coming. You decide to go and make it this time. This whole procedure strikes me as strange. I was taught to look both ways before I cross a street.A Really Super Book About Squirrels will be the ideal gift for anyone who's ever had a relationship with a squirrel-good or bad.Read More read less...