A Sword from Red Ice (Sword of Shadows) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

A Sword from Red Ice (Sword of Shadows) Book

The Long Night has begun. The Endlords and their dark army of Unmade prepare to unleash untold destruction upon the world. Every Sull warrior must step forward and fight or risk the North falling into eternal darkness. Key to mankind's survival is the sacred warrior Ash March. But for Ash to realise her true potential as a Reach and become the Sull's greatest weapon she must keep herself safe as the perils that surround her multiply. Raif Sevrance has an equally perilous task. The exile must travel to the barren wastes of the Red Glaciers and recover the legendary sword named Loss. For Sull legend decrees that he who wields the Sword from Red Ice will bring terror to their enemies. But fulfilment of these goals may yet come too late. In the remote reaches of the Bitter Hills the Endlords' minions have made a cataclysmic discovery: a crack in the Blindwall an ancient and unguarded passage leading directly into the realms of men.Read More

from£18.99 | RRP: £18.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.20
  • 1841491179
  • 9781841491172
  • J.V. Jones
  • 21 October 2007
  • Orbit
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 640
  • First UK EDITION
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