Access to English: Starting Out Pt. A & B Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Access to English: Starting Out Pt. A & B Book

This title includes the following features: It is clear and comprehensive, with a smooth structural progression and a balance of emphasis on all four skills.; It is highly entertaining, with lively language, attractive drawings, and appealing characters - including the incorrigible Arthur - who become involved in often humorous adventures.; It offers a stimulating variety of practice activities in every unit, from controlled drills to communicative activities.; Each of the four levels represents about a year's work, and the course is structured so that each level can be used on its own.; At the two lower levels, the Student's Book and Workbook are available in split editions, A and B, and there are separate Story and Drill Cassettes for maximum flexibility. At the two upper levels, a Student's Cassette provides useful self-study activities.Read More

from£13.16 | RRP: £9.75
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £19.18
  • 0194537005
  • 9780194537001
  • Michael Coles, Basil D. Lord
  • 3 October 1974
  • Oxford University Press
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 144
  • Illustrated
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