Adventures of Tinker, the Hole Eating Duck Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Adventures of Tinker, the Hole Eating Duck Book

from£6.68 | RRP: £4.95
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £39.86
  • justine gunn13 April 2009

    Tinker, the hole eating duck...

    This is a must own book for all ages that is full of adventure, colour and magic. It is a story about a Duck who goes about a magical world mending things with holes by eating them and lives in a magical tree in a beautiful wood. He encounters strange creatures on his travels like the beautiful butterfly who he helps by eating the hole in his wing. The illustrations are so fantastic that at my age of thirty eight I can remember them from when I owned this book as a young girl. They are as clear in my mind as when I was given it for my birthday. I have children of my own now and they know all about TINKER and his FRIENDS...

  • 0905895444
  • 9780905895444
  • Patrick Woodroffe
  • 1 October 1979
  • Dragon's World Ltd
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 48
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