Afghanistan: A Military History from Alexander the Great to the Present Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Afghanistan: A Military History from Alexander the Great to the Present Book

The only complete single-volume military history of Afghanistan, from ancient times to the war waged by the United States after September 11. Following the events of September 11, 2001, the world was riveted as American military power contested the legendary warrior culture of Afghanistan. By spring 2002, America began to draw down its forces, its mission accomplished: The Afghan Taliban regime has been overthrown and the terrorists it harbored were on the run. Was America's easy victory proof of its military superiority, or were the Afghans merely eyeing the newcomers as they have watched foreign armies in centuries past, knowing time is on their side? For over 2,500 years, the forbidding territory of Afghanistan has served as a vital crossroads--not just for armies but for clashes between civilizations--the Greeks, Arabs, Mongols, and Tartars, and in more recent times, Britain and Russia. Now America must face a new enemy on this land--a land that for centuries has become a graveyard of empires past. This first-ever complete military history of Afghanistan illuminates the broad historical context into which American forces have been drawn--a cautionary tale, perhaps, about the dangers that may lie ahead.Read More

from£N/A | RRP: £10.99
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  • 0306812339
  • 9780306812330
  • Stephen Tanner
  • 19 June 2003
  • Da Capo Press Inc
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 368
  • New edition
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