Against the Day Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Against the Day Book

Thomas Pynchon is up to his usual business. Characters stop what they're doing to sing what are for the most part stupid songs. Strange sexual practices take place. Obscure languages are spoken, not always idiomatically. Contrary-to-fact occurrences occur. Maybe it's not the world, but with a minor adjustment or two it's what the world might be.Read More

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  • Foyles

    Spanning the period between the Chicago World's Fair of 1893 and the years just after World War I, Against the Day moves from the labour troubles in Colorado to turn-of-the-century New York; from London to Venice, to Siberia, to Mexico during the revolution; silent-era Hollywood, and one or two places not strictly speaking on the map at all. It is a time of unrestrained corporate greed, false religiosity, moronic fecklessness, and evil intent in high places. Maybe it's not the world, but with a minor adjustment or two it's what the world might be.

  • BookDepository

    Against the Day : Paperback : Vintage Publishing : 9780099512332 : : 01 Nov 2007 : Spanning the period between the Chicago World's Fair of 1893 and the years just after World War I, Against the Day moves from the labour troubles in Colorado to turn-of-the-century New York; Maybe it's not the world, but with a minor adjustment or two it's what the world might be.

  • 0099512335
  • 9780099512332
  • Thomas Pynchon
  • 1 November 2007
  • Vintage
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 1232
  • New edition
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