Alice in Quantumland: An Allegory of Quantum Physics Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Alice in Quantumland: An Allegory of Quantum Physics Book

Alice in Quantumland : Hardback : Springer-Verlag New York Inc. : 9780387914954 : 0387914951 : 01 Nov 2010 : In this cleverly conceived book, physicist Robert Gilmore makes accessible some complex concepts in quantum mechanics by sending Alice to Quantumland-a whole new Wonderland, smaller than an atom, where each attraction demonstrates a different aspect of quantum theory.Read More

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  • Amazon Review

    My eyes tend to glaze over when I encounter YAPBAQPs (Yet Another Popular Book About Quantum Physics). But this volume captured my attention, and imagination. Told in the same way as Alice in Wonderland (with many of the original passages re-tooled to their new purpose) and a hint of Flatland, Gilmore guides us through the principles of Quantum mechanics in a truly lively and fun way. I suspect it may even be a good read for teens or extremely bright children.

  • Product Description

    Alice is about to enter a whole new Wonderland. It's Quantumland--a kind of intellectual amusement park, smaller than an atom, where each attraction demonstrates a different aspect of quantum theory. There she'll meet an Emperor who thinks his new clothes into existence, dance with the Three Quark Brothers at the Particle MASSquerade, travel back in time (running into herself), and experience all kinds of quantum effects. Readers will learn about the Uncertainty Principle, wave functions, the Pauli Principle, and other elusive concepts.

  • 0387914951
  • 9780387914954
  • Robert Gilmore
  • 10 November 1999
  • Springer
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 190
  • illustrated edition
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