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All Blood Counts: A Manual for Blood Conservation & Patient Blood Management: A manual for blood conservation and patient blood management Book
This book gathers together the collected wisdom of an experienced group of practitioners from the world of blood conservation including surgeons, anaesthetists, haematologists, transfusion specialists, microbiologists, and legal advisors. Topics included are: an historical overview, transfusion-transmitted diseases, changing demographics and the projected impact on blood supplies, who needs transfusion, practicalities and tips - how to do it, the laboratory perspective, haemodilution, intra-operative cell salvage, surgical methods to minimise blood loss, anaesthetic methods to minimise blood loss, pharmacological methods to minimise blood loss, postoperative salvage, postoperative haemoglobin, cancer patients, patient consent and refusal, trauma management, patient ID and documentation, audit/clinical governance, the role of the Hospital Transfusion Team, education, national reports including European Directives, further information. Additional chapters will include pre-operative blood management, near-patient testing, the incidence and relevance of pre-operative anaemia, anaemia management in obstetrics, pre-operative anaemia in orthopaedics, haemostatic sealants, the effect of transfusion in cardiovascular surgery, transfusion alternatives.Read More
from£26.75 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £49.34
- 1903378958
- 9781903378953
- , Biddy Ridler MB ChB
- 1 March 2016
- Tfm Publishing Ltd (Medical)
- Paperback (Book)
- 350
- Illustrated
- Book
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