All that Glitters Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

All that Glitters Book

Pearl Lowe has been a singer in a hugely successful pop group, a fashion model and a friend to some of the most famous people in the country. In the nineties when Britpop was in full swing and London was officially the coolest place on the planet, Pearl really did have it all. She was a beautiful woman with a glamorous career and a rock and roll husband she adored, as well as a growing family of gorgeous kids. Except, actually, the parties and the homelife were in terrible tension because Pearl was drinking and taking drugs to such excess that she wasn't sure she would survive. Pearl was a junkie before she discovered party drugs like ecstasy and cocaine. She managed to look after her kids in between enormous binges, but she knew she had a choice to make: confront the demons, get clean and have her life back, or give up and slip away further into addiction, illness, death. Pearl made her choice. These days she lives with her husband and children in the countryside and she has left the London lifestyle behind.But she isn't the kind of person who could ever give up on glamour - it's just that these days she designs her own line of beautiful lace dresses rather than killing herself slowly with booze and drugs. She is happy. Pearl's story is a fascinating insight into a world that appears scintillating but is relentless in its destructiveness. It's also inspiring in its message that recovery is possible and sustainable, for everyone.Read More

from£9.89 | RRP: £10.99
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  • ASDA

    Drugs misery and rock and roll... the totally candid story of how one woman's addiction to a glamorous life turned into a nightmare and how she brought herself back from the point of no return.

  • 0340933208
  • 9780340933206
  • Pearl Lowe
  • 20 March 2008
  • Hodder Paperbacks
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 293
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