Amazing Math Magic Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Amazing Math Magic Book

Numbers, cards, coins, and shapes: with these, and a few mathematical principles, you'll turn into a magician! Just gather a few very ordinary, easy-to-find items (paper, pens, a calculator, dice, pennies, scissors), practice your patter a little, step in front of an audience--friends, family, maybe even your teachers at school--and prepare to astound them. Guess the number someone will choose; try some math telepathy; make mobius strips out of paper; and move "from one end to another"--a routine that uses a stack of cards for a very unique effect. Do an "incomplete prediction," a trick that seems as if it's going wrong...until you produce a surprise ending. Every one is easy to master--but no one else has to know that! Read More

from£13.48 | RRP: £9.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £9.12
  • 0806960175
  • 9780806960173
  • Oliver Ho
  • 22 November 2001
  • Sterling Juvenile
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 96
  • illustrated edition
  • Illustrated
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