America's Film Legacy: A Guide to the Library of Congress National Film Registry Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

America's Film Legacy: A Guide to the Library of Congress National Film Registry Book

A guide to various films made in the United States. It includes such films as 'Citizen Kane', 'The Jazz Singer', 'All Quiet on the Western Front', 'The Birth of a Nation', and 'Boyz n the Hood', 'Blacksmith Scene' (1893), 'The Blue Bird' (1918), 'The Docks of New York' (1928), 'Star Theatre' (1902), and 'A Bronx Morning' (1914).Read More

from£28.58 | RRP: £22.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £14.89
  • Blackwell

    America's Film Legacy is a guide to the most significant films ever made in the United States. Unlike opinionated Top 100 and arbitrary Best of lists, these are the real thing: groundbreaking films that make up the backbone of American cinema.

  • 0826429777
  • 9780826429773
  • Daniel Eagan
  • 28 January 2010
  • Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd.
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 832
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