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An Introduction to Teacher Appraisal: A Professional Development Approach (School development) Book
Appraisal is increasingly becoming a feature of teachers' professional lives. The purpose of this book is to assist all those involved in appraisal in developing and running the process. The authors provide advice based on a review of the appraisal literature, on their findings as members of the team evaluating the School Teacher Appraisal Pilot Study of 1987/9 and on their work with teachers in developing schemes for appraisal. Each chapter of the book is devoted to an aspect of the appraisal process, and contains a survey of experience from the literature and the pilot study, from which key principles of guidance and advice are derived.Read More
from£22.93 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £16.88
- 0304319821
- 9780304319824
- Rob Bollington, etc., David Hopkins, Mel West
- 12 July 1990
- Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd.
- Paperback (Book)
- 160
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