Animal Reiki: Using Energy to Heal the Animals in Your Life Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Animal Reiki: Using Energy to Heal the Animals in Your Life Book

Offers a series of pictures showing the range of hand positions for animals including dogs, cats, horses and small pets like guinea pigs. This book constitutes a basic education in Reiki for people with no prior knowledge or experience of it, and provides training in working with animals for people of all levels of experience.Read More

from£10.99 | RRP: £10.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.48
  • BookDepository

    Animal Reiki : Paperback : Ulysses Press : 9781569755280 : 1569755280 : 30 Apr 2006 : This book educates people about the many benefits of Reiki as a holistic healing system for animals and gives them the information they need to begin to heal their companion animals with Reiki.

  • Blackwell

    Ideal for animal lovers who are interested in exploring complementary therapies, this book provides a thorough introduction to Reiki, including step-by-step instructions for treating animals. Along the way, the authors relate stories drawn from...

  • 1569755280
  • 9781569755280
  • Elizabeth Fulton, Kathleen Prasad
  • 5 April 2006
  • Ulysses Press
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 240
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