A mission of the utmost secrecy. A country torn apart by war. A man with his defenses crumbling. With one week to complete a top-secret mission, Major Jack "Cobra" Korba did not need emotional distractions. But when flight surgeon Monica Hyatt, his estranged ex-lover, was added to his team, the sensitive assignment suddenly became all too personal. With two sisters trapped behind enemy lines, Monica maneuvered herself onto Jack's flight crew, determined to rescue her loved ones while keeping her desire for Jack safely in check. Yet on the brink of the most dangerous task either had ever faced, their passions let to an explosive encounter. With three words still left unsaid and time of the essence, would Jack, Monica and all those embroiled in the battle to save innocent lives
… read more...find a way to complete their duty before all hell finally broke loose?Read More read less...