Armchair Exercises for Fitness Phobics: Everyday Maintenance for the Busy, Tired, Elderly, Infirm, and Straightforward Lazy Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Armchair Exercises for Fitness Phobics: Everyday Maintenance for the Busy, Tired, Elderly, Infirm, and Straightforward Lazy Book

Sue Hooker has taken a light hearted approach to a subject many of us feel we ought to address. It is for people of all ages whose conscience bothers them a bit, who worry about their backsides and their paunches. The articles on cellulite, and blood pressure jump out at them from every newspaper and magazine they read. Armchair Exercises for Fitness Phobics is a mixture of informal explanation and advice for "The Wish They Coulds" and "The Think They Can'ts" as well as the "Fitness Phobics" among us. It is written in a very readable and amusing style illustrated with funny drawings by the Shropshire artist Maggie Humphry. The text is highlighted with quotes by such writers as Edward Lear and Lewis Carroll whose acute observations and philosophies are pertinent and raise a smile. read more...
from£7.95 | RRP: £9.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £9.52
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