Art from Start to Finish: Jazz, Painting, Writing, and Other Improvisations Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Art from Start to Finish: Jazz, Painting, Writing, and Other Improvisations Book

Gathers a unique group of contributors from the worlds of sociology, musicology, literature, and communications - many of them practicing artists in their own right -...Read More

from£N/A | RRP: £18.00
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  • Product Description

    When is an artistic work finished? When the copyeditor makes the final correction to a manuscript, when the composer writes the last note of a symphony, or when the painter puts the last brushstroke on the canvas? Perhaps it's even later, when someone reads the work, when an ensemble performs, or when the painting is hung on a gallery wall for viewing?

    Art from Start to Finish gathers a unique group of contributors from the worlds of sociology, musicology, literature, and communications—many of them practicing artists in their own right—to discuss how artists from jazz musicians to painters work: how they coordinate their efforts, how they think, how they start, and, of course, how they finish their productions.

    Specialists in the arts have much to say about the works themselves, which are often neglected by scholarsi n other fields. Art from Start to Finish takes a different tack by exploring the creative process itself and its social component. Any reader who makes art or has an interest in it will value this book.

  • 0226040852
  • 9780226040851
  • HS Becker
  • 16 June 2006
  • Chicago University Press
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 248
  • New edition
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