Ashes & Ecstasy Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Ashes & Ecstasy Book

Ecstatically happy in her marriage to handsome gentleman pirate Reed Taylor, Kathleen is never far from her beloved husband?s side?until their idyllic existence is shattered by the onset of the War of 1812. Her worst fears are realized when she receives word that Reed?s ship, the Kat-Ann, has been sunk, and all aboard have perished. Refusing to believe that Reed is dead, Kathleen mounts a desperate search with the aid of Jean Lafitte?s pirate band, to no avail. The memory of the burning passion they shared is ever present in her aching heart?and then suddenly an ironic twist of fate answers her fervent prayers, only to confront her with evidence of a betrayal that will threaten everything she holds most dear. Read More

from£90.50 | RRP: £3.38
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £3.64
  • 0843946970
  • 9780843946970
  • Catherine Hart
  • 1 March 2000
  • Leisure Books
  • Mass Market Paperback (Book)
  • 480
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