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Automotive Chassis Systems Book
This useful book prepares users to pass the ASE Certification test in Brakes (A5) and in Suspension and Steering (A4). It presents a balance of principle and practice that makes the concepts of real-world diagnosis and troubleshooting come to life. Automotive Chassis Systems offers a clear, no-nonsense style that incorporates practical technique information, ideas, and tips throughout. Each new topic covers the parts involved, their purpose, function, and operation, as well as how to test and diagnose each system. With its useful appendices and glossaries, this book is an excellent reference work for automotive service technicians, as well as a valuable tool for those preparing to take the ASE exam to become NATEF certified.Read More
from£39.99 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £44.01
- 0130484253
- 9780130484253
- James D. Halderman, Chase D. Mitchell Jr.
- 15 September 2004
- Prentice Hall
- Paperback (Book)
- 450
- 3
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