B&D Complete Guide to Kitchens (Black & Decker Complete Guide To...) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

B&D Complete Guide to Kitchens (Black & Decker Complete Guide To...) Book

At the heart of any home is the kitchen, and this has never been so true as it is today. In response to uncertain economic times and global unrest, consumers are investing in their homes like never before, and kitchen remodeling is at the center of this unprecedented DIY activity. While a new kitchen clearly adds equity value to a home, the benefits to quality of life are almost beyond measure. A well-planned, well-installed kitchen becomes the focal point of family life and social activity, the home's center of physical and emotional well-being. The Complete Guide to Kitchens is the one book you absolutely need to plan and remodeling a kitchen, whether this entails a light cosmetic facelift or major structural renovation. No other book presents this important subject in such full detail. read more...
from£16.90 | RRP: £13.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £10.71
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