Basic Virology Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Basic Virology Book

Ideal for the student seeking a solid understanding of the basic principles in this rapidly developing field, this best-selling text offers a comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of virology. Featuring an enhanced art program now in full-color, the new edition has been updated throughout, including cutting-edge information on emerging viruses of medical importance and expanded coverage of viral pathogenesis, viral immunology, retroviruses and HIV/AIDS. New chapters have been added dealing with HIV and AIDS, viruses and cancer, generation and use of recombinant viruses and virus-like particles, viral evolution, network biology and viruses, and animal models and transgenics.The third edition is even more comprehensive and accessible, including chapter outlines, revised and expanded review questions, and cumulative end of section problems, which integrate topics covered in that section and challenge students to synthesize new material. Basic Virology is supported by an outstanding website, including original animations, downloadable artwork and online resources designed to provide both students and instructors with an enhanced understanding of the field.Read More

from£40.48 | RRP: £29.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £8.02
  • Product Description

    Univ. of California, Irvine. Textbook of basic fundamentals of virology. Stresses concepts of molecular biology and immunology. Includes chapter outlines, review and study questions, and end of section problems. Supplementary information for further reading and a directory of Internet resources are included at the end of the text. For students. Softcover.

  • 0632042990
  • 9780632042999
  • Edward K. Wagner, Martinez J. Hewlett
  • 30 November 1999
  • WileyBlackwell
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 466
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