Battlefield of the Mind 2008 (Calendar) Calendar + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Battlefield of the Mind 2008 (Calendar) Calendar

Every day people wake up to thechallenge of deciding whetherthey will control their thoughts orif their thoughts will control them.Their minds are a battlefield andhow they think affects their attitudes,the way they respond toothers, and their effectiveness. Now, Joyce Meyer providesreaders with a calendar companion to her one-million-copy bestselling Battlefield of the Mind, offeringkeys to gaining control over their mind, recognizing andputting a stop to damaging thoughts, and arming themselveswith the Word of God, praise, prayer, and otherpowerful spiritual weapons. Readers will receive dailyencouragement and support for fighting daily on thebattlefield of their minds.Read More

from£7.82 | RRP: £7.82
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £N/A
  • 0446581526
  • 9780446581523
  • Joyce Meyer
  • 9 September 2007
  • Hodder & Stoughton
  • Calendar (Calendar)
  • 736
  • Pag
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