Bear Volume 2: Demons: v. 2 Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Bear Volume 2: Demons: v. 2 Book

Giggle like a kidney!! not content with filling a book chock full of sadistic Bear-slapping, we filled ANOTHER book with it!! A second bounty of carnage, profanity, and friendship hugs (lie), as our furry tyke romps through a world filled with tv, idiots, and a certain homicidal cat. Bear Demons squeezes the horror of Bear Silence, the love of Bear Heart, the frenzy of Bear Looshkin, and the world weary Bear B*stards, crashing towards the series twisting conclusion with Bear X. Five issues of crazed hell, add to that an extra issue's worth of exclusive Bear stories, various chutnies, and a handful of poster pages by comic royalty, and you got yourself a hairy fisted socko of loving, mister missus. whoomp!!Read More

from£18.88 | RRP: £10.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £71.57
  • 1593620365
  • 9781593620363
  • Jamie Smart
  • 31 May 2006
  • SLG Publishing
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 152
  • illustrated edition
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