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Before the Ring: Questions Worth Asking Revised and Expanded Book
You've always wanted a lifelong marriage. But you've also seen the alarming statistics about your chances of achieving this ideal. So how can you know that you've truly met the love of your life? How can you see past the stars in your eyes when you're in love? William Coleman has speny many years talking with couples: dating couples, engaged couples, married couples, divorced couples, remarried couples. And these conversations have convinced him that while most people would marry the same person again, they would to about it differently. They woulde learn more, grow more, ask more questions, reveal more of themselves, and argue less. There is a way to help assure yourself that you are marrying the right person. But to do that you have to ask questions-- the right questions-- and get reliable anwers. Then you'll be prepared for lifelong marriage, truly one of God's greatest gifts.Read More
from£15.57 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £7.23
- 1572931337
- 9781572931336
- William L Coleman
- 1 October 2004
- Discovery House Publishers,U.S.
- Paperback (Book)
- 176
- Rev Exp
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