Beginner's Guide to Adobe Photoshop: Easy Lessons for Rapid Learning and Success Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Beginner's Guide to Adobe Photoshop: Easy Lessons for Rapid Learning and Success Book

Adobe Photoshop is an image-editing software solution that allows users to manipulate photo design and production for print media and the Web. This guide provides new Photoshop users with concise, practical information on this world-standard software solution. Techniques show how to avoid common mistakes and frustrations while creating high-quality, imaginative images that can immediately be put to practical use. Each topic in the book is broken down into short, easy-to-digest sections with clear, jargon-free discussions and plenty of examples. Topics covered include basic image editing, selection techniques, using layers, and creating original artwork. Designed for Photoshop 6, this book is also appropriate for users of Photoshop 4 and 5.Read More

from£12.04 | RRP: £21.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £6.26
  • 1584280719
  • 9781584280712
  • Michelle Perkins
  • 1 August 2002
  • Amherst Media,U.S.
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 125
  • illustrated edition
  • Illustrated
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