Beneath the Blonde (Five Star Title) Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Beneath the Blonde (Five Star Title) Book

Siobhan Forrester, lead singer of Beneath the Blonde, has everything a girl could want - stunning body, great voice, brilliant career, loving boyfriend. Now she has a stalker too. She can cope with the midnight flower deliveries and nasty phone calls, but things really turn sour when intimidation turns to murder.Read More

from£9.43 | RRP: £6.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £2.51
  • ASDA

    Siobhan Forrester lead singer of Beneath the Blonde has everything a girl could want - stunning body great voice brilliant career loving boyfriend. Now she has a stalker too. She can cope with the midnight flower deliveries and nasty phone calls but things really turn sour when intimidation turns to murder.

  • Blackwell

    Beneath the Blonde, Duffy's third novel . . . confirms without doubt that she's very near the top of the new generation of modern crime writers.-The Times When Saz Martin is hired to protect Siobhan Forrester, the sexy lead singer of...

  • 1852427116
  • 9781852427115
  • Stella Duffy
  • 23 March 2000
  • Serpent's Tail
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 256
  • New Ed
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