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Beyond Empire: Postcolonialism & Mission in a Global Context Book
Christian mission has been linked for good and ill with colonialism. But what is its relation to postcolonialsm, to a world which has gone 'beyond empire' but has not necessarily fully taken into account its colonial past? Postcolonialism offers a lens through which we can re-read Scripture and re-view the history of our times. Topics such as migration, the fate of indigenous peoples, hybridity, the postcolonial city, development, and many more, come into focus in this book. The discussion then leads naturally to a fresh expression of the nature of the Kingdom of God and the mission of the church.Read More
from£N/A | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £N/A
- 1449082300
- 9781449082307
- Jonathan Ingleby
- 3 March 2010
- AuthorHouse
- Paperback (Book)
- 300
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