Beyond Listening: Learning the Secret Language of Focus Groups Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Beyond Listening: Learning the Secret Language of Focus Groups Book

"In the dangerous jungle of consumer research, Bonnie Goebert is the ultimate guide. A few hours and the price of this book will quadruple your consumer research investment." —Melinda Davis Wingate, President, The Next Group "A lot of marketing books start with interesting points, then dissolve into a theoretical realm, but Bonnie Goeberts work is consistently rooted in real world experience. Her case study examples make this book very worthwhile for any professional who wants to get inside the head of the consumer." —Justin Harrington, Senior Partner, Account Services Bozell In Beyond Listening, focus group expert Bonnie Goebert explains how to interpret consumer response and turn that information into hard-core benefits for any size company. She presents case studies of her household-name clients, such as Excedrin, Tropicana, and DuPont, to illustrate how companies leverage consumer information to meet changing consumer needs and strengthen loyalty to products. Any merchant, marketer, or retailer will find Beyond Listening invaluable in the ongoing struggle to gain insight into consumer behavior.Read More

from£20.99 | RRP: £29.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £6.77
  • 0471395625
  • 9780471395621
  • Bonnie Goebert
  • 14 December 2001
  • John Wiley & Sons
  • Hardcover (Book)
  • 256
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