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Birds of the Carolinas Book
The well-loved standard reference for bird-watchers and nature lovers in North Carolina and South Carolina, Birds of the Carolinas collects information on all avian species known to have occurred in the region since 1900. This thoroughly revised second edition describes more than 460 individual species, including 60 new species that have been recorded since the publication of the first edition in 1980. Updated entries for all species reflect the current status of bird life as well as major changes in taxonomy and nomenclature. Each species account indicates when and where the bird is most likely to be found in the Carolinas, its nesting habits, feeding habits, and descriptive information useful in identifying the species. Generously illustrated with nearly 400 color photographs, this comprehensive guide to regional birds and their behavior will quickly earn a prominent place on the bookshelf of every bird-watcher in the Carolinas.Read More
from£23.95 | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £31.68
- 0807856711
- 9780807856710
- Eloise F. Potter, James F. Parnell, Robert P. Teulings, Ricky Davis
- 15 April 2006
- The University of North Carolina Press
- Paperback (Book)
- 536
- Revised edition
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