Body Foods For Life Book
Throw away your multi-vitamins and discard your anti-ageing creams, it's food that is the true source of health and physical well-being. As Virginia Woolf said--so the introduction reminds us--"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one does has not dined well". This book tells us how to think, feel, look (and stay) looking good--by choosing the foods we put in to our bodies. First off, part one explains the importance of a positive relationship with food and covers topics such as our appetite mechanism, our eating habits and why we should be choosing organic foods (processed foods are a definite no-no, and vitamin supplements are discouraged in all but the most specifically necessary circumstances). It goes on to give an excellent overview of our bodily nutritional … read more...needs, outlining the main food groups, vitamins and minerals that make up our body essentials; what function they serve and in which foods we can find them. This section is refreshingly uncomplicated and is useful to revisit when deciding menus to help overcome minor ailments, allergies or deficiencies. Having set the foundations of health by mouth, the book then turns attention to the specifics of looking and feeling good. From outer physical appearance to inner body equilibrium, Clarke explains how to rejuvenate our appearance and energy levels, boost our immune system and combat malaises such as insomnia, depression and allergies--all by the food we eat and the way we eat it. More serious conditions and illnesses are also tackled, from the problems of ageing to high blood pressure, cholesterol and cancer. And there are a hundred interesting recipes to try out--each with a reference to its particular health benefits. Among the plethora of current literature on health and diet, this book gives pleasant surprise. Here is a clear accessible guide to understanding and taking control of our health via our diet, explaining both the curative and preventative properties of natural foods. This book discards many modern day myths and strikes a chord with its simplicity and common sense: what a relief to know that fresh food is still the staple of good health. Jane Clarke, BSc (Hons), S.R.D.,is a nutritional consultant with a practice in Soho, London. In 1997 she wrote Body Foods for Women. She has written on health issues for various newspapers and presented a television series, Alive and Cooking. She is also a consultant to the World Cancer Research Fund. --Abi FrisbyRead More read less...
from£N/A | RRP: * Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £N/A
- 0297823752
- 9780297823759
- Jane Clarke
- 28 December 1998
- Weidenfeld & Nicolson
- Hardcover (Book)
- 352
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