Breaking Ground: The Story of William T. Mulvany Book + PRICE WATCH * Amazon pricing is not included in price watch

Breaking Ground: The Story of William T. Mulvany Book

At the age of eighteen, William T Mulvany assisted in the first ordnance survey of Ulster and Connaught. He later supervised the drainage of the Shannon, and then planned the Shannon-Erne waterway. During the Famine, he directed thousands of workers in relief schemes. Then he set his sights on Prussia, leading the first and only Irish venture capital investment in the Rhineland, setting up 3 coal-mines in the Ruhr: Hibernia, Shamrock and Erin. The Kaiser awarded him a gold medal for his services to the Prussian economy. Four cities in the Ruhr have streets named after him. He laid out the first steeplechase course in Germany. It is a suggestive commentary on our system that long experience and abilities of high order, which should have been devoted to the amelioration of this country, and the development of its resources, were more highly prized and rewarded, in a foreign land. Irish Times, 1885.Read More

from£14.31 | RRP: £12.99
* Excludes Voucher Code Discount Also available Used from £27.31
  • 185635427X
  • 9781856354271
  • John J. O'Sullivan
  • 1 February 2004
  • The Mercier Press Ltd
  • Paperback (Book)
  • 159
  • illustrated edition
  • Illustrated
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